Short Term Project

People International Australia is running a short term project to Central Asia and you are invited to join our team. During this trip the team will spend three weeks in Central Asia meeting local believers & long-term church workers. We plan to spend time with them encouraging and assisting them in their work. Additionally we will have the opportunity to explore some ancient biblical sites.

Next Trip: 2024

Internship Program

Starting in September 2023 we are offering a nine month internship program led by experienced Australian cross-cultural workers. This internship is designed for you to check out what long term ministry overseas would be like without making a long term commitment at the beginning.  Interns are involved in ministry with a team, language learning and learning sessions with long term workers.

Next Internship starts: September 2024

Serving Long Term

There are many opportunities to serve in Central Asia with People International.  Areas of service include medical, school teaching, theological education, agriculture, church planting, accounting and many others.  In all of these ministries we seek to put people into teams for mutual support and encouragement toward the goal of reaching Central Asians with the gospel.

Our ten years serving in Central Asia were some of the best years of our lives.  To be involved in sharing the gospel with people and to see God work in the lives of those who had so little opportunity to hear was a great privilege.  For our children, growing up amongst different cultures is something that that they wouldn’t trade for anything.

Frequently Asked Questions
Is it safe to serve in Central Asia?
There are many parts of Central Asia that are no more dangerous than in many western countries.  We also have training for our people in how to minimize risk and  crisis management systems in place.
Do I need theological training?
To serve on a short term mission that runs from a few weeks up to year or two, no theological training is required.  For longer period we do require training depending on the ministry being undertaken.
How many people are on a team?
Short term teams that run for a few weeks generally have 6-12 people.  Short term visit of a few months up to two years can be organised on an individual basis.
What's the minimum age to go on a short term project?
The minimum age is 18 years old, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
How long is long term?

We have short-term trips from 2 weeks to 3 months. We have medium-term guests from 3 months to 1 year. Long-term is for more than 1 year.

What if I can't speak the language?
If you are going long term, most of your time in the first two years will be spent in language learning.
Can I take children to Central Asia?
We have many families serving in Central Asia.  For schooling, some attend local schools, others are home schooled while others attend international schools.
How do I get paid?
There are paid positions for various roles in Central Asia, while others are supported by people at home.  Some are supported by a combination of the two.   We also offer coaching for support raising.

Interested in serving with us?

That’s fantastic, get in touch! Fill out the form below, or give us a call.

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